Exponential Joy with Nancy Nance

Dandelion Leaf and Root with Cinnamon Clove and Ginger Tea (3 pack)

Dandelion Leaf and Root with Cinnamon Clove and Ginger Tea (3 pack)

Regular price $5.55 CAD
Regular price Sale price $5.55 CAD
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This special blend is a warming digestive blend loaded with wonderful personal care benefits.  Dandelion combined with the warmth of Cinnamon Clove and Ginger is a spicy delight,

Dandelion offers inner ease in work and play.  Her gift helps you listen more closely to emotional messages and bodily needs.  The digestive benefits of this blend are plentiful.

Dandelion benefits are many including liver detoxification, promotes and stimulates digestion, boosts antioxidant activity and fights inflammation.  Dandelion tea is sometimes used as a coffee substitute for those who like the tasting notes and charm of coffee but can’t handle the caffeine. The dark colouring and deep and smoky-tasting notes of the dandelion root are comparative to coffee.   She is loaded with lots of essential nutrients and vitamins to give you a boost.

If you are forever in a battle with bloating or have the need to flush your system, drinking dandelion tea can be a natural diuretic. This brew can help your body to pee, which in turn can rid your liver and kidneys of toxins and keep you fresh and fit. 

Enjoy sharp, spicy, strong, sweet cinnamon can help raise your confidence and self-esteem.  It helps to unblock your energy and allow you to move beyond the perception that something is standing the way of goals, desires or the completion of creative projects.  She warms up emotional voids that feel cold and stagnant.

Cinnamon has a warming action that raises the body temperature, which is beneficial for colds and flu relief.  She can also offer assistance with reduced body sugar levels, kills fungi and bacteria, increases circulation and strengthens the heart. 

Spiritually cinnamon increases psychic awareness.  Enjoy her with your intention of increasing your connection with the Divine and to maximize our intuitive skills, including all the sensory gifts of clairvoyance (seeing), clairaudience (hearing) , claircognizance (knowing), clairsentience (feeling), clairolfaction (scent), and clairgustation (taste). 

Clove is a creative collective of energy and visualization.  She is beautifully beneficial for spiritual protection from ill wishes and negative energy from your own thought patterns.  Her amazing can help deflect jealousy.  She has the wonderful ability to help strengthen internal faith and help you remember that you are divinely protected.   I love how well she partners with creative visualization techniques to improve all areas of your life.

Clove is also an incredible helper for uplifting the mind, as her warm energy is mentally stimulating.  She may be what you are looking for to improve your ability to think clearly, capture ideas and establish clear steps for bringing ideas to fruition.  

The spectacular spicy vibes of clove fortify the emotional field by raising your energy.  She offers help to relieve the blues and the symptoms of depression.  Her vibration strengthens self-confidence and can assist relief from energetic lethargy and improve your ability to embrace feelings and move forward. Ginger is a delightful compliment because of her earthy, wood, sweet, warm, lively flavour.  Ginger stimulates the appetite and has a positive effect on the digestive system.   

Spiritually speaking Ginger’s spicy aroma is a stimulant for awakening consciousness.  It clears away the energetic cobwebs, opening portals of awareness to receive insights and information.  Ginger has the energetics to strengthen your energy field on many levels.  

Ginger is helpful for increasing motivation, relieving apathy, and aiding in the decision-making process.  Ginger helps you remember that you have the power to create and transform your reality with your mind.  It improves willpower and clarity.  It can invigorate your mind and improve your memory.

Ginger helps to defrost frozen emotions and feeling of coldness toward others.  It helps open your emotional field to accept connection with other people as well as a romantic relationship.  In come cultures, ginger has been used as an aphrodisiac.  It promotes courage and confidence and is an excellent aid for balancing the solar plexus chakra.

Ginger is especially good for relieving nausea and is helpful for digestion. Ginger is helpful for relieving inflammation and pain.

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