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Exponential Joy with Nancy Nance

Happy Confidence 4 oz Oil 

Happy Confidence 4 oz Oil 

Regular price $44.44 CAD
Regular price Sale price $44.44 CAD
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The song of Happy Confidence is a delightful mixture of Brilliant Bergamot, Cerebral Cypress, Gentle Geranium, Lively Lemongrass and Royal Rosemary.  Together they help you awaken your consciousness and be fully present in your daily activities with enthusiasm, fearlessness and balance.

The song of Happy Confidence begins with Brilliant Bergamot known as one of the most versatile oils in existence because of her innate ability to adapt to the specific needs of the person using it.   Her gifts are expansion and increase of your feelings of happiness, joy, pleasure, and the uplifting feeling of well-being.   Bergamot also provides relaxation, calm, and security.  She helps amplify your thoughts with self-confidence and courage.  Her brilliance helps you easily absorb and process all that goes on around you. 

Cerebral Cypress encourages a feeling of grounding, stability, and security during times of change.  She helps you completely embrace the depth of your feelings.  Her offering of love helps you release intense feelings of anger, sorrow and grief gently.  Cypress is an excellent ally for  lucid dreaming, journeywork and vision seeking.  Enjoy her assistance to improve your spiritual sight and clairvoyance.  Cypress also helps awaken in your consciousness a deeper understanding of your ancestors and improves your ability to commune with your loved ones on the Other Side.

Gentle Geranium’s graceful love helps you find balance in your life through play, work rest and laughter.  She is a lovely ally and beneficial for personal transformation  Geranium invokes guardians of protection, keeping away negative energy.  Geranium l is ideal for connecting with Archangel Raphael to restore and rejuvenate on all levels and Archangel Sabrael to deter jealousy and negative forces.

Lively Lemongrass helps purify the mind, helping to release resentment and regret, transforming negative energy into positive.  She is useful for clearing the mind and your space prior to contemplation, meditation and prayer.  Use her to call upon Archangel Ariel, the angel of general personal care and vitality.  Lemongrass invigorates and promotes clarity.  It also increases joyfulness and enthusiasm while helping you to process all that is going on around you.  Use it to improve your ability to see life with joy, to relieve stress and to restore balance after a stressful period.

Royal Rosemary helps you with your spiritual memory and focus.  Allow her regal love to awaken your spiritual consciousness.  The ancient energy of rosemary provides a deeper understanding through memory retrieval of previous incarnations.  Use it during regression therapy to capitalize on memories of past and the lessons learned.  Add rosemary to a synergistic blend to clear out negative energy in general and before your spiritual practices.  Use rosemary to connect with Archangel Sabrael to release jealousy.  

Choose to let your light shine with Happy Confidence.  Create a life that excites you and become the best possible version of yourself.  Allow her amazing scent to soak into your body and help you confidently create magic in your life. 

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