Exponential Joy with Nancy Nance

Mullein Cinnamon Tea (3 pack)

Mullein Cinnamon Tea (3 pack)

Regular price $5.55 CAD
Regular price Sale price $5.55 CAD
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Marvellous Mullein offers many benefits because of her antioxidant, antibacterial and antiviral properties.  She is blended with Cinnamon because of her lovely flavour and her wonderful personal care benefits.

Mullein is known for her refreshing and aromatic taste.  She may be what you are looking for to help combat several respiratory ailments like cold, cough, bronchitis as well as offer relief for your soar throat. 

Emotionally she offers a strong sense of inner conscience, truthfulness, and uprightness.  Try her to improve your ability to hear your inner voice.  If you are looking for improved certainty and  decisiveness, she may be exactly what you are looking for. Enjoy sharp, spicy, strong, sweet cinnamon can help raise your confidence and self-esteem.  It helps to unblock your energy and allow you to move beyond the perception that something is standing the way of goals, desires or the completion of creative projects.  She warms up emotional voids that feel cold and stagnant.

Cinnamon has a warming action that raises the body temperature, which is beneficial for colds and flu relief.  She can also offer assistance with reduced body sugar levels, kills fungi and bacteria, increases circulation and strengthens the heart. 

Spiritually cinnamon increases psychic awareness.  Enjoy her with your intention of increasing your connection with the Divine and to maximize our intuitive skills, including all the sensory gifts of clairvoyance (seeing), clairaudience (hearing) , claircognizance (knowing), clairsentience (feeling), clairolfaction (scent), and clairgustation (taste).

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