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Exponential Joy with Nancy Nance

Mullein Anise Tea (3 pack)

Mullein Anise Tea (3 pack)

Regular price $5.55 CAD
Regular price Sale price $5.55 CAD
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Marvellous Mullein offers many benefits because of her antioxidant, antibacterial and antiviral properties.  She is blended with Anise because of her lovely flavour and her wonderful personal care benefits.

Mullein is known for her refreshing and aromatic taste .  She may be what you are looking for to help combat several respiratory ailments like cold, cough, bronchitis as well as offer relief for your soar throat.

Emotionally she offers a strong sense of inner conscience, truthfulness, and uprightness.  Try her to improve your ability to hear your inner voice.  If you are looking for improved certainty and  decisiveness, she may be exactly what you are looking for.

Amazing Anise has a sweet, warm, licorice-like aroma; reminiscent of Italian cookies.  She is a lovely day time delight and a gentle early evening treat.  Spiritual speaking Anise can offer assistance in the prevention of nightmares.  Her assistance is a gentle increase to your intuition and opens the third eye chakra.

Try Anise to gain mental clarity and restore attention to a tired mind.  She promotes active listening skills, bringing the tools of focus and attentiveness into one’s qualities. 

Emotional speaking she may assist you when you use the tool of recapitulation for healing and transformative work.  Recapitulation helps you remmed your belief systems to be released because they no longer serve you.  Anise seeds have been know to assists with symptoms of asthma, bronchitis, coughs, flatulence, headaches, indigestion,, nausea, stomach cramps and stress.  She has an affinity with the digestive system.

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