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Exponential Joy with Nancy Nance

Tummy Time 4 oz Oil

Tummy Time 4 oz Oil

Regular price $44.44 CAD
Regular price Sale price $44.44 CAD
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Tummy Time is made with love and just the right amount of Fennel, Ginger, Orange, Clove, Lemon and Peppermint. Tummy Time is a lovely soothing blend that offers exceptional physical and emotional well-being.  

Fennel is known for its balancing properties and can be especially helpful with minor symptoms associated with menstruation, like cramps and mild mood changes.  Sweet, earthy, licorice-like Fennel can be used to promote normal circulatory, respiratory and digestive system function.  

Fennel can help you process emotional aggravation that manifests as indigestion, heartburn or an upset stomach, helping your to look more objectively at what feelings, people, places and situation are causing you agitation.  On an emotional level, it helps process or deal with the source of the aggravation.  Fennel can also assist with anxiety, encourages communication, emotionally stabilizing, self-confidence.  If you are looking for to feel move enlivened, motivated, courageous, confident, or assertive, Fennel may be just the ally you need.

Fennel is a physical helper too that can relieve water retention and inflammation.  Use it to aid your body in the release of excess fat as well.  Fennel relieves flatulence and aids with digestion, specifically with the proper functioning of the gallbladder, liver, pancreases, spleen and kidneys — and the proper production of digestive enzymes.  Fennel is helpful for relieving menstrual pain and tension.  

Delightful Ginger’s balancing properties promote courage and motivation, encourages feelings of balance and stability, and reduces mental fatigue. Her spicy aroma is a stimulant for awakening consciousness. She clears away the energetic cobwebs, opening portals of awareness to receive insights and information. Allow her energetics to strengthen your energy field on multiple levels. Ginger was added to this spectacular synergistic blend with the intention of activating your intuitive skills. 


Orange offers help to greet the day with energy and motivation. Try Orange to think clearly, stay focused and boosts creativity. 

Clove is also an incredible helper for uplifting the mind, as her warm energy is mentally stimulating.  She may be what you are looking for to improve your ability to think clearly, capture ideas and establish clear steps for bringing ideas to fruition.  

The spectacular spicy vibes of Clove fortify the emotional field by raising your energy.  She offers help to relieve the blues and the symptoms of depression.  Her vibration strengthens self-confidence and can assist relief from energetic lethargy and improve your ability to embrace feelings and move forward.

Lemon brings mental clarity, helping you to focus your attention on work, especially when dealing with important details  She helps you look at things from various angles for a greater perspective  Try using  lemon to assist you when you want to become conscious of the repetitive patterns of self-limiting thoughts that are holding you back.  As you become aware of your patterns you are better able to develop and focus on positive thoughts to replace those negative beliefs. 

Lovely Lemon offers great aid for weight loss and improved digestive function.  Try lemon to restore vitality after a prolonged illness to release physical exhaustion and refresh the body on all levels. 

Peppermint offers help for digestion to relieve stomachaches and to achieve digestive enzymes to detox the body.  Spiritually, peppermint can help you to remain truly present and awake during meditation.  She is useful for regression therapy, rebirthing, or any practice that requires breath work to maintain mindfulness to be truly present.  

Peppermint helps to wake you up.  She stimulates mental clarity and focus.  Peppermint hold the vibration of foreword movement, propelling you ahead in the direction you need to go.  While peppermint is helpful for digestion on a physical level, it also helps you to digest life and truly understand and process what is happening around and within you.

Peppermint can help you get in touch with your subconscious and the deep inner feelings you have for yourself and others.  Use peppermint to sort out feelings.  With peppermint nearby, take the time to journal and make a list of all you are feeling so you can gain clarity and decide what you are ready to release.  She also helps to move forward with enthusiasm.  Peppermint is excellent to help drive away depressive thoughts and feelings. 

Tummy Time is a lovely soothing blend that offers exceptional physical and emotional well-being.  

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